Thursday, June 03, 2004

Jose Contreras has feelings, too

Filip Bondy thinks the Yankee fans are mean and the Yankee players are "robotic." This will undoubtedly be a common criticism as the team wins 100+ games without enough off-field or on-field drama.

"A Yankee postseason is automatic. Despite the 8-11 start, this season is now looking like another robotic excursion.

Except for Contreras, who dares to be human. The fans booed him last night. It didn't help Contreras, but nothing really has."

That's what the Yankees need. More humanistic dramas to remind us of our own humanity and fragility. Baseball is there to help us resolve our collective existential crises.

Tell you what. I'll take a robot if the Yankees can program it to throw strikes. I think Bondy would prefer a big oak tree on the mound so Julia Butterfly can climb it and remind us of the interconnectedness of all humanity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
