Monday, March 06, 2006

Life Lessons from Commissioner Fuddy Duddy.

Can't anybody take a joke? The sign was funny. The misspelling of "Yankees" only added to the hilarity.

I'll tell you what else: MLB graciously accepts the $zillion luxury tax and, in exchange, the Yankees can complain all they want.

Instead, Bud Selig does his best impression of Captain Kangaroo:

"At some point in life, you've got to rise above your own selfish interest," Selig said. "If this sport is to go on to do the heights we have to do, you can't let your own myopic interest guide you."

I hope Selig remembers that during the next round of labor negotiations. Or the next time he's negotiating a TV contract with ESPN. Or the next time he testifies before Congress.

You know, professional sports are competitive. Most of the owners are millionaires at least. How do you think Steinbrenner became owner of the Yankees in the first place? By sharing the wealth with CBS? Or by putting Michael Burke's kibbles-n-bits in a vice?

Myopic interests guide the whole thing. Myopic interests guide every pitch, every at-bat, every GM decision.

"At some point - I know it's trite, but I don't believe it's trite - sometimes in life, you do things that in the long run really help you and your sport."

"I know it's trite, but I don't believe it's trite." Gee whiz, that's swell. Go back into your crypt and leave the talking to David Stern.

How is the WBC going to help the Yankees in the long run?

How is the WBC going to help the sport in the long run?

The Yankees are doing quite well without the WBC, thank you very much.

If Selig wants the Yankees to play, he should pay. Cash money. Money talks and BS walks.

I know it's trite, but I don't believe it's trite.

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