Sunday, September 06, 2009

Wallace Matthews says something nice.

Praises Joe Girardi even:

"Mattingly would never do that. Hell, he wasn't even going to replace any of Torre's coaches, not even the ones who grumbled behind Torre's back that he spent too much time on the Racing Form and not enough on the lineup card.

As a Yankees employee told me, 'It had become a country club in there.'

Under Mattingly, Cashman suspected it was going to be business as usual, and that wasn't going to be good enough.


But Girardi has brought his own brand of tough love to this party, banishing candy, soda and junk food from the players' lounge but letting music and kids back into the clubhouse.

It's not exactly Parris Island in there, but it's not Torre's day spa, either."

I completely agree.

But is Girardi as good a baseball manager as Tom Coughlin?

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