Thursday, January 19, 2006

They wished they knew how to quit Alex Rodriguez.

This article is supposedly a debate regarding the pros and cons of the World Baseball Classic.

The title says "The Great Baseball Classic Debate."

It link at says, "Point/Counterpoint: Is the World Baseball Classic an event worth holding?"

Well, I just read the article and I'm still not sure what Jim Caple and Buster Olney think about the World Baseball Classic.

I learned that Alex Rodriguez is indecisive, Alex Rodriguez is insincere, Alex Rodriguez makes a lot of money, and Alex Rodriguez is conscious of his image.

Nine entries on the World Baseball Classic. One guy supposedly debating the pros, the other guy supposedly debating the cons. of these nine entires, six mention Alex Rodriguez. No other player is mentioned by name.

You really don't care what team ARod plays for? Gee, you sure talk about it a lot, though. You also talk about his salary a lot.

His uniform, the country in which he lives, the country in which he was born. What he says, what he looks like, his haircut. His favorite movie, his favorite color, his zodiac sign.

Seriously, are you guys ... in love with Alex Rodriguez? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

You know, maybe there's a reason ARod watches what he says. Because groupies like Caple and Olney drool over every word like a fat guy eating a Big Mac.

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