Monday, January 30, 2006

This is why all true baseball fans should defend Alex Rodriguez.

I don't know if this columnist is even primarily a sportswriter, but his contention is that the Dominican Republic is "lucky" not to have Alex Rodriguez on their team.

You know what? You've got problems with ARod's game? Okay.

Unimpressed with his situational hitting or you think he strikes out too often? Fine.

Nobody's perfect.

But if you claim you don't want him on your team because of a poor series vs. Anaehim last October, then you are simply a fool.

Besides, if Beltre and Ramirez are better choices, then convince me. How has Adrian Beltre performed in the postseason? How many rings does Aramis Ramirez possess?

It's really not too hard to find out.

Respectively, .267 in 15 at-bats and .250 (with 4 homeruns!) in 44 at-bats.

Should Adrian Beltre even be allowed to choke on an international stage since he's proven himself to be such a poor postseason performer in 15 at-bats?

Well, gee, Felz. It's only 15 at-bats.


So don't sweat the guy with a .305 career postseason average -- who hit .409 with power in his first ALCS when the opponent was the Big Bad Yankees -- who hit .429 with power in his first postseason appearance as a member of the Big Bad Yankees -- because he had a bad 15 at-bats against Anaheim.

The WBC games mean nothing. If the games don't mean anything, there is no pressure. If there is no pressure, then ARod can't choke. Nobody can choke in exhibition games.

But, as we all know with a quick perusal of his playoff stats, ARod is no choker, anyway.

Wait, what was I saying? My point is, even if the premise was correct, then the supporting facts would be wrong.

There is little doubt that the ARod/WBC story has already been written, before the games are played.

If ARod hits .625 with 10 homeruns, then this performance won't prove anything because the WBC is just glorified exhibition games against inferior competition. If ARod hits .200 with 0 homeruns, then it's more proof that he can't handle pressure.

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