Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Impossible is nothing.

"The manager is 'more laid back' now than he was in New York, according to ex-Yankee Scott Proctor, now part of the Dodger bullpen. 'You can just see it,' Proctor said. 'Not that he smiles more, but he seems like he's enjoying coaching, enjoying being here.'

Torre's craggy face creases with a smile when told of Proctor's description.

'The stress factor,' Torre said, 'is much less out there.' "

In yesterday's game, Joe Girardi was standing.

In yesterday's game, Joe Girardi complained to the umpires because Matsui was batting during a heavy downpour.

Right or wrong, it was downright shocking to witness a manager of the New York Yankees utilize energy in support of his players.

How can Joe Torre be "more laid back" than he was in New York? It's like finding a theoretical particle that moves faster than light.

In a way, it's inspiring. It truly pushes the limits of human behavior.

Few more questions:

1) Aren't Yankee fans, players, management upset to learn that Torre hated his last few years in New York?

2) Aren't Dodger fans, players, management upset to learn that Torre -- the highest paid manager in MLB -- basically views their team as a laid-back, stress-free, part-time gig on his road to retirement?

3) Why is Joe Torre divulging Willie Randolph's answering machine message: " 'I may have a wrong number because I got one of those generic voices (on voice mail),' Torre said of his call to Randolph."

Yes, Joe. It was the wrong number for sure.

Just like Girardi hasn't returned your call yet. But he was going to. He was thinking about it right when you called.

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