Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Congratulations, you're a dope.

I suspect Clemens will make the Hall of Fame.

If you're wondering why the HOF (and HOF voters) experience backlash from many fans, this is why:

"Understand one thing: What Clemens skated on were six charges related to perjury. In the eyes of the jury, he did not lie when he stood before Congress and declared himself a clean baseball player. He was not specifically cleared of using steroids. That was beside the point, outside the case. In almost every instance of a player using steroids, or not using them, we are talking about an unindicted crime."

Unindicted is a good word choice. I misremember if unindicted is an actual word, but I know what you're trying to say.

In any case ... since all of these steroid crimes were unindicted ... why is Clemens in Court in the first place?

"I voted for Mark McGwire one year. I haven’t voted for him the years since. I changed my mind because I could. I might do so again. I voted for Jeff Bagwell because I never have been persuaded he was a cheater; maybe I’m right, maybe I’m wrong. Next year, I’ll make my mind up all over again.

And I’ll do the same thing about Clemens when my ballot arrives next December, the first one with a shadowed box next to his name on it. And it won’t matter to me that six times he heard the words 'not guilty' at the U.S. District Courthouse in Washington yesterday, same as it wouldn’t if the government had gone 6-for-6. Short of someone like McGwire, who copped to using, we’re never going to know the truth in black-and-white clarity.

Will I vote for him? If I had to decide right now, today, I wouldn’t. I think he used. I think he cheated the game. And at bare minimum, I think it should cost him a first-ballot ticket.

Will I feel differently in December? Possibly. In 2016? Maybe. In 2022? Ask me then. I suspect I will, in the context of my one vote, eventually want to separate, for history’s sake, those who I believe were Hall of Famers without help — Clemens and Barry Bonds are on that short list — from others who needed the boost. Or maybe I won’t."


So you're flaky and you're proud of it.

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