Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Jayson Stark: Pro-Hurricane.

I'm shocked that I found even one columnist who diverted blame away from the "desperate" Yankees.

The Devil Rays and MLB messed up, not the Yankees. The Yankees are playing by the rules and asking about a forfeit, knowing full well that they're not going to get one. Just like when a manager sometimes argues balls and strikes or when a team plays a game under protest.

You know you're not going to win the argument, you're just trying to make a point.

You know what? Maybe Cashman has a point:

" ... last September the Bombers wanted to leave Baltimore a day early when Hurricane Isabel was bearing down on the region, only to be told by MLB that they were required to remain in the area and try to play the game. To do otherwise, they were told, would result in a forfeit ... 'Our beef is with the inconsistency between how we were treated last year and how we've been treated this year,' Cashman said. 'It seems to me that Major League Baseball did not communicate properly with the Devil Rays.' "

Why are the Yankee players and the fans sitting around a ballpark needlessly for six hours? Doesn't Lou Piniella care about Families? The Poor Li'l Rosy-Cheeked Children sitting around Yankee Stadium since 11:00 am for no reason?

Think of all the sad-eyed puppy dogs with no food in their bowl all day long as they wait for their owner to return from Yankee Stadium. Think of all the unmanned lemonade stands in the tri-state area which perhaps were going to raise money for flood victims. Some of these children who wasted their day away in Yankee Stadium are probably orphans looking forward to the first baseball game of their lives. But heartless Lou Piniella can't even make a phone call and tell people that he's going to be late.

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