Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Sturtze and Contreras: Sure Things.

In Fenway, no less.

You remember, don't you? Back in the ARod-Varitek Fight game?

We were all sure at the time that the Red Sox were going to get swept.

We were all confident that Tanyon Sturtze and Jose Contreras would beat Boston in Fenway.

If you don't remember your own memories, no worries. Mike Lupica revises your own history for you:

"The Red Sox had been swept the week before at Yankee Stadium and now it looked as if they were going to get swept again.

Now it is the third inning of Saturday's game. The Yankees are ahead 3-0. No surprise there. The Red Sox have been a .500 team for three months. If they lose again, they are 10 1/2 games behind the Yankees, on their way, we are all sure at the time, to being 11 1/2 behind after the Sunday night game on ESPN."

I know I talked about this disgraceful Lupica column at length just yesterday, but it's truly amazing just how many mistruths permeate everything Lupica writes. I mean, if you give it a little thought, do five minutes of research about the things that don't quite sound right ... the problem is, there are so many little things that are wrong, they can draw attention away from the overall theme or conclusion, which is also invariably wrong.

With Lupica Lies, you have to decide whether to attack the Forest or the Trees.

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