Monday, January 10, 2005

If Mike Cameron doesn't work out ...

... spend $100 million on another free agent centerfielder.

Spent $100 million for a near last place team? Two seasons in a row? Make up for your mistakes by building up the farm system? (Nope, the Mets already traded Scott Kazmir.)

I know the easiest way. Spend a lot of money. A lot of money. Just like the Yankees and Red Sox do.

So is Mike Lupica offended? Omar Minaya overpaying like he was using monopoly money? Big Money Musical Chairs at Shea? Luring greedy players and acting like pigs at the free agent trough? Playing Mini-Me to Brian Cashman's Dr. Evil?

Of course not! Not one mention of the Mets' bloated payroll; Omar Minaya isn't even a baseball GM, he's one of the Backstreet Boys. He's doin' it with "brains and nerve and flair."

Yes, I understand that Minaya is trying to correct the mistakes of previous Mets GMs. This mess is not his fault. I'm just pointing out the obvious: Minaya is not accomplishing his goals with imagination or brains. It's with cash money.

At least Lupica understands that the Mets are not the true Yankee rivals, unlike Mike Vaccaro at the New York Post, who seems to have forgotten that (a) the Met/Yankee rivalry peaked just four years ago in something knows as the 'Subway Series," and (b) the Red Sox/Yankee rivalry is at an all-time high.

You know, just about every team seems to think they're a rival of the Yankees.

I promise you, ask any Yankee fan which team is the rival. The Mets are barely on the radar screen right now.

1 comment:

Darren Felzenberg said...

Too funny. I also like the New York Skyline on the scoreboard. Like if you went into the upper deck and got a telescope, you could see a building that was actually in Manhattan.

The battle for the back page is a creation of the newspapers. Yankee fans are loyal to their team, Met fans are loyal to theirs. The interleague games are already tired. If Met fans feel attacked by Yankee fans in general, it's certainly not because of me.

I personally think Beltran is way overrated. Time will tell. But if I'm so worried about the Met/Yankee rivalry, why was I so happy when the Mets took Pedro away from the Red Sox? Schilling can't get his wind until mid-June, Wells' back goes out ... I'm not tracking the progress of Kris Benson so much.