Sunday, June 18, 2006

To all the fathers in Washington, D.C. ...

... Happy Father's Day, from Joe Torre!

Now, look, I know it's not all Joe Torre's fault. I also know the last two losses largely stemmed from Shawn Maricon's inability to get through the fifth when he was given nine runs to work with.

But if I were to say Torre mismanaged the bullpen the last two games, that would be giving Torre too much credit. In order to mis-manage the bullpen, one first has to actually manage the bullpen.

I also know today's options were limited, given the injuries and overuse. I also know Wang is a good bet to get a game-ending double play (undoubtedly, the first words out of Torre's mouth in the post-mortem recap).

But I saw the warning signs in the eighth inning. Only two walks of the whole game and a game-winning hit stolen by Cabrera.

Did you see the warning signs? Betcha did. Did everybody not named Joe Torre? I think so.

Oh, but at least today's game wasn't as bad as it can get. That was yesterday's game. Today's game was fun times.

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