Saturday, March 08, 2008

Bud Selig is a trip.

The Steroid Era is over, in case you were wondering:

"Bud Selig has no plans to read any of Barry Bonds' grand jury testimony that was ordered released by a judge just over a week ago.

'No, I don't think so,' Selig said Saturday. 'I think all the lawyers around me will but I don't think there's any reason for me at this time.' "

I read Bonds's grand jury testimony.

I'm not particularly intrigued, but it's convenient enough to download it from the Interweb and give it a quick once-over. Took less than ten minutes.

I think Bonds is lying, sure. His tactic is plausible deniability, but it just doesn't sound too plausible that he didn't notice what "flaxseed oil" was doing to his body.

Having said that, I'm not sure he will be found guilty of perjury, because it seems difficult to prove.

Not much of an analysis right there, but now you know more about the situation than the Commissioner of Major League Baseball.

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