Tuesday, February 17, 2009


"Ultimately he does that by hitting, not with another rehearsed performance. Hitting is the only thing that has ever made Rodriguez interesting. That doesn’t change no matter how many handlers he has. Take the bat out of his hands and he is about as much of a sparking personality as Kobe Bryant is when he isn’t shooting jump shots or dunking the ball. A-Rod could hire 100 talent agents and spokesmen and not be Tiger Woods or LeBron James."


It's the combination of hitting, fielding, and running that make ARod interesting.

But it makes me wonder why you spend so much time pondering ARod's pointless press conferences and postgame activities.

By the way, Tiger Woods is uninteresting except when he's golfing and LeBron James is uninteresting except when he's playing basketball. Unless you're a 12-year-old.

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