Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'm glad I'm not Mike Vaccaro.

"At the end of the day, what really matters most, for now and forever, is that he can fall asleep at night, that he can look himself in the mirror, that he can say, with utmost certainty, serenity and confidence, that he was true to himself and honest to himself, regardless of whatever mistakes he may or may not have made."

At the end of the day, what really matters most, now and forever, eternally and for perpetuity, older than the mountains and the seven oceans, older than the sun in the sky, is to cram as many cliches into one run-on sentence, trying to fit as many clauses, as humanly possible, between periods, even though this approximates the stylistic efficacy one might expect from a five-year-old.

"Can he do that now, after this press conference that served as a public confessional box?"

Ummm ... I'm not sure.

What was he supposed to do, again?

"I would have a tough time. But I am not Alex Rodriguez. And the more time goes on, the more people have to be grateful thay [sic] they aren't either."

Hey, Updike, this is one time you should have used a comma, rather than start a sentence with "and."

I think a lot of people would trade their penniless, fraudulent lives for ARod's $450 million, fraudulent life.

It's quite possible that Mike Vaccaro is a better person than Alex Rodriguez. But it's also quite possible that he isn't.

Vaccaro has never made a mistake? Vaccaro has never lied? Vaccaro can sleep at night?

I hope he can sleep at night. I wouldn't wish him any ill will.

He must have an extra-large pillow to accommodate his swelled head.

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