Friday, March 01, 2013

Well, you didn't take them to inhibit your performance, right?

"KD: You’ve kind of become a spokesman for anti-steroids. You’re a good guy, you’re accessible and you’re quotable. At the end of your career, guys were probably using. You played into the ‘90s.


 KD: Do you feel the same way about guys who used greenies?

GG: Oh, You’re not even talking about the same. …I used greenies. I’ve done them. I didn’t have to get up unless I drank a case of beer and stayed up all night. I might take a greenie just to stay awake in the bullpen. But it wasn’t a performance-enhancing drug.

KD: It was illegal, though, right?

GG: Greenies is like me drinking 10 cups of coffee.

KD: Yeah. Except it’s illegal"

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