Monday, July 26, 2004

I thought Yankee fans were arrogant.

The so-called blogger duel with the Red Sox blogger was nothing more than a shoe-gazing lovefest.  But this is supposedly a blogger with Yankee Fan Attitude.

Does this sound like a typical arrogant Yankee fan?  What is this guy so worried about?

"A-Rod lost his cool Saturday and gave the Sox the rallying cry they so sorely need this reason (this could go down as one of the biggest bonehead plays in Yankee history if the Sox come back and win the division.)"

Every Yankee fan I know thought it was cool.  I enjoyed seeing the $25 million pretty boy mix it up.  Why do the Yankees rely on Don Zimmer, Karim Garcia, Alex Rodriguez, and Tanyon Sturtze to get into brawls?  Why don't any of the True Yankees ever fight the punk-ass Red Sox?

I hate the Red Sox.  I want the players on the Yankees to hate them, too.

Then, there's this gem:

"While I do know a lot of Yankee fans who despise Clemens solely for his decision to unretire as an Astro, I am not one of them. I just have a general dislike for this "warrior" attitude he projects but so often fails to live up to."
There are some Yankee fans who don't like Clemens and some who do.  But I have never met a Yankee fan who really cares too much that Clemens unretired and joined the Astros. 

Strawn apparently knows "a lot" who despise Clemens solely for that reason. 

Seems to really have his finger on the pulse of the typical Yankee fan, doesn't he?


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