Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The more Cashman denies it ...

"It appears as though the Evil Empire isn't going to add insult to injury this offseason by swooping in and taking Jason Bay, after all.


'It won't be a big-name situation,' he said. 'I can promise you that.' "

Well, "promise" is a strong word.

But I remember when Bubba Crosby was going to be the CFer, when Mike Lamb was going to be the third-baseman, and when Todd Williams was going to be the primary setup man.


Anonymous said...

I still believe him. I feel like Granderson and Javi are as big as our offseason will get.

Darren Felzenberg said...

I guess it's wishful thinking at this point. Cashman may have his sights on Crawford '11.

Anonymous said...

Fangraphs did a piece today and I think it's pretty reasonable:

Darren Felzenberg said...

Thank you very much for the link.

My counter-argument, basically, is that the Yankees don't win by being efficient with their payroll.

I think Bay is easily affordable and would have been worth several wins vis a vis Gardner/Swisher.

The Yankees don't "need" anybody. They don't "need" Mariano, Posada, Jeter, ARod individually because they're so stacked and so rich. (As an example, if ARod was truly out for the entire '09 season, the Yankees would have quickly replaced Cody Ransom.)

I wouldn't want to face the postseason without Mariano, but that's $15M per year which doesn't add too much marginal value over the course of the regular season.

The Yankee payroll passed critical mass a long time ago. Subtract Wang + Matsui + Damon; Add Bay + Johnson + Vasquez. Made sense to me, but it's not my money.

Darren Felzenberg said...

On another note, how can anybody possible remember that Vazquez is with a z instead of an s?