Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Fifty percent of $0 is $0.

We can only hope the contract negotiations are not a moot point.

Surely, there is little public appetite for typical collective bargaining.

But I also don't think it's up to MLB players to give the country hope or put their own welfare at risk.

We know MLB players aren't essential.

You know how we know?

Because they aren't risking their lives on the front line:

“The problem is you have people all over the world taking pay cuts, losing their jobs, losing their lives. Frontline workers putting their lives at risk. These are unprecedented times."

These are very different outcomes, "taking a pay cut" and "losing your life."

I don't expect the players will take the PR hit complaining (too much) about pay cuts.

But they will demand safe working conditions and refuse to put themselves and their families at unnecessary risk.

The opinions of Rob Manfred, Tony Clark, and Mark Teixeira don't matter.

The virus gets the last word.

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