Friday, June 21, 2024

Most people who comment on the Yankees are stuck in 1998.

“Boston and Baltimore just slapped around the Yankees in these last two series,” Boomer said. “This is a little bit of a wake-up call. Right around game 80, right around halfway through the season here.

“They are not intimidated in the least by the Yankees and their lineup or their pitching staff.”

No one has been "intimidated" by the Yankees in the past 20 years at least.

"And if I’m the Baltimore manager or any Orioles player, I’m thinking ‘Man, we got them. We’re just as good if not better.’”

The Orioles were 19 games better than the Yankees last season. The Orioles have also defeated the Yankees in 2023. In 2024, the Yankees added Soto and have gotten surprisingly great pitching, but the Orioles have been the favorites since day one.

As for the notion of a wake up call, I suppose it's true. You go through streaks and slumps. Yesterday was a true beatdown in a big game. I'm not sure, however, that the Yankees were delusional about their success prior to the Orioles series.

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