Tuesday, August 19, 2008

George A. King III should sue.

This article was actually accompanied by a graphic of a pinstriped coffin:

"The New York Yankees are dead."

Pretty much, but you waited until the season only had 40 games left.

"They are on Line 1 with Dr. Kevorkian asking for the soonest appointment possible, please."


"Do not let Sunday arouse any feelings on the contrary. Thump the Yankees did, in their old dominant fashion, dropping 15 runs on a feeble Kansas City pitching staff. It was the most hurtful sign of life, the one where the EKG jumps for a few seconds and everything looks like it’s going to be all right, only to flatline once more, and for good."

This seems to be a familiar take.

As if one 9-run win ... or one 12-run win ... or one 99-run win, for that matter, is going to count for more than one game in the standings.

As if Yankee fans stormed onto the field in celebration because now their team is only ten games out of first place.

The thing about blase wins, though, is that they're much better than exciting losses.

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