Saturday, March 07, 2009

The numskull follow-up.

"The Yankees need to schedule Alex Rodriguez for surgery, and they need to do it yesterday. They are positively mad if they let their $305 million man take one more spring training cut, if they let him keep shooting from his frayed and failing hip.

Time to shut it down, fix the hip and plan for a repaired and refreshed Rodriguez to return after the All-Star break."

I totally agree.

But I didn't write a bizarro article two days ago claiming the Yankees would be better off without ARod.

I mean, why would the Yankees want ARod to come back after the All-Star break? They'll have Cody Ransom and reliable pitchers.

"Before his replacement, Cody Ransom, looked like Pete Rose in the Yankees' victory over Detroit on Friday night, Rodriguez completed another series of tests in Vail. This was about the same time Girardi revealed that a bad day at Dr. Marc Philippon's office could inspire A-Rod to elect immediate surgery."

"Looked like Pete Rose," as in hustling? Or "looked like Pete Rose," as in illegally gambling on baseball games?

You know, I understand that journalistic objectivity is an illusory concept, and I also understand that Ian O'Connor hardly aspires to journalistic standards in the first place.

But it's still unseemly to root so hard. You just compared Cody Ransom (46 hits) to Pete Rose (4,256 hits).

What's the endless fascination with role players, anyway? The idea that Scott Brosius's selfless teamwork drove the team to Championships.

You people don't even know from role players.

Dale Berra was definitely not a superstar. Eric Soderholm was definitely not a superstar. Dagoberto "Bert" Campaneris was definitely not a superstar. Lenn Sakata was definitely not a superstar. Toby Harrah was definitely not a superstar.

If you get enough role players like that, you won't win the World Series.

Reference the Yankees from 1979 through 1995 for some other choice role players.

"The Yankees need to trade their conservative approach for the aggressive one as quickly and easily as they traded Aaron Boone for A-Rod."

The Yankees traded Soriano for ARod.

Keep up the good work, though.

You're a journalist. Yes, you are.

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