Thursday, March 05, 2009

Yes, injuries are good.

There is no way to parody Jeff Passan.

I anticipated this kind of response, but I was not being serious:

"His teammates are shedding crocodile tears because Alex Rodriguez, steroids or not, is one of the best baseball players in the world, and his greatness breeds insincerity. Don’t let them fool you. The torn labrum in A-Rod’s right hip that will sideline him for the near future is the best thing that could have happened to the New York Yankees, the Dominican Republic’s World Baseball Classic team and especially Rodriguez, who needs a vacation – and from whom baseball needs one, too."

If you need a vacation from him, then why are you talking about him again?

It's very easy to take a self-imposed vacation from Alex Rodriguez.

You just do nothing.

"As if Rodriguez’s hip were the only carbon-based form to recognize the situation’s frivolity, it gifted him – and us – a reprieve."


His hip recognized the situation's frivolity and then decided to have a cyst?

"In that time, everyone around the sport has weighed in with an opinion on Rodriguez. Aside from those obligated to support him – teammates and the players’ union – there is a consensus: No matter the transcendence of his talent, the burden Rodriguez places on the Yankees is like uranium – toxic, radioactive and heavy."

Truly incomprehensible.

I think the consensus is that every team would prefer ARod to their third baseman. If they don't, then they don't like winning and they are whiny losers.

"Certainly they’ll miss his bat if he isn’t healthy by April 6 or opts for surgery."

Ya think?

"Rodriguez remains one of the game’s great players, and the difference between him and Cody Ransom – the 33-year-old career minor leaguer who replaces A-Rod, barring a trade – is like tasting Coke and then switching to diet."

It's more like replacing a great baseball player with a bad baseball player; replacing hits with outs, runs with nothing, wins with losses.

Thanks for the insight, though, Mr. Baseball Writer.

You figured out all by yourself that Cody Ransom is not as good at playing baseball as Alex Rodriguez.

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