Sunday, August 07, 2005

"The Media" Revisits Mariano's Season.

Mike Lupica has completely no shame:

"There is this idea now, because of the wild and wonderful mood swings in the media, that Rivera was Written Off the first week of the season.

Nobody taken seriously around here did that with Rivera anymore than they did it with the Yankees."

Yes, Lupica. "The Media" didn't necessarily write off Mariano. But you sure did.

To quoth from March 27th's "Shootin' From the Lip":

"If you aren't worried about what kind of shape Mo Rivera's right arm is going to be in by October, then you're nuts."

Sounds to me like you were writing off Mariano Rivera in very clear terms.

Make up your own minds, sports fans. Lupica was either lying then, or he's lying now. Or he's lying about lying.

Or maybe, in a roundabout way, Mike Lupica is just admitting that nobody takes him seriously around here.

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