Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Columbus Clippers Just Got Interesting.

"You have already forgotten his name, haven't you? Aaron something. Gruel? Giles?

No, Guiel. That's it."

I remember his name, but I'll try to forget.

Just like I try to forget Mark Bellhorn, Matt Lawton, David Dellucci, Charles Gipson, and Tony Tarasco.

They haunt my dreams.

Oh, no offense, Aaron. You did hit a couple of homeruns and you seem like a swell guy.

You also play baseball much better than I can.

"Came off waivers from Kansas City, of all places. Hit a couple of home runs, including a big one against Texas. Hustled in the outfield. Would have scaled the Big Bat had the team asked him to, he was so happy to be here, to be a small part of something big."

Fascinating stuff.

Somebody should make a movie about it.

" 'Regardless of whether he'll perform better than myself, for the fans and for the team, they feel like they're more comfortable with the established name.'

More comfortable, a bit better, but less interesting."


Approximately four million people will crowd into Yankee Stadium this season to watch the team play.

I'm guessing just about zero of them came to watch Aaron Guiel play.

But, I have great news for Steve Politi. He can still watch the uber-interesting Kansas City Royals or, better yet, the Columbus Clippers.

Mr. Fascinating Himself will play right field every day in Columbus.

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