Monday, May 04, 2009

What, no boxing analogy?

"Mike Bloomberg is the Yankees, except he wins a lot more than they do lately."

Oh, snap!

"The mayor of New York has money and he's going to spend it and if his opponents don't like it, that's their problem, let them go make their own."

Well, the Yankees participate in revenue-sharing and also pay a payroll tax.

The Yankees also sell out stadiums on the road. So, in that way, the Yankees help their opponents make money.

Also, I don't quite see the connection between a private citizen spending money on a political campaign and a professional baseball franchise spending money on players' payroll.

I will say, however, that Obama's first 100 days are analyzed like a pitcher and, ummm, Bloomberg has shown an ability to take one on the chin.


A baseball analogy and a boxing analogy.

That makes it easier for the doting public to understand my advanced political theories.

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