Wednesday, January 09, 2013

It is similarly easy to just vote no.

"Easy thing would be, vote the scoundrels in.

Box next to Barry Bonds' name? Check.

Box next to Roger Clemens' name? Check.

Box next to Sammy Sosa and Rafael Palmeiro? Check, check.

Yes, easy thing would be to throw up my hands, pass the buck, step in line with the many others who say, hey, ain't my responsibility to judge the Steroid Era.

But I can't do that. And I won't do that."

Another easy thing to do is vote no for everyone you suspect of steroid use.

For whatever reason, you have made it clear you suspect Bagwell and Piazza, but you don't suspect Biggio.

"But the Steroid Era was one of the most shameful in the game's history.

It distorted the record book, grotesquely. It pushed retired legends into the shadows when they never should have left the spotlight, and it shined the spotlight on others who never should have been center stage."

That's not quite accurate. I'd say the '98 HR race shined the spotlight on Roger Maris.

"Easy thing would be, wash my hands of any responsibility -- just as so many others have before me -- and give 'em all passes to Cooperstown. Vote the scoundrels in.


I do not claim to have the definitive answers in this mess. Maybe some of these guys will be voted in. And if they are, then that's the way it is."

Whenever somebody says they don't claim to have definitive answers, you can be sure they will answer definitively.

This guy took the easy way out and acts like he tortured himself with nuanced decisions. He just said, "if your muscles are big, you can't get in the HOF."

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