Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Sal has a problem with the Yankees. The Yankees are not good enough to satisfy Sal.

They might win the World Series, and that would be fine, but they should be dominant.

"Confidence was high after 2017, and even after 2019, but since after the Wild Card clunker in ’21, the Houston sweep in ’22, and last year’s October off, it seems like falling short is all the Yankees ever do."

Yeah, it's all they do.


" 'Their record says the Yankees have the most wins in baseball, but I don't care what their record says – no team in baseball is on pace for 100 wins, so all the Yankees are is one of a bunch of teams that can win the World Series just because the odds are you're in the postseason, so you have a chance to win a World Series…not because they're built to be a World Series team. Big difference.' "

I'm not sure what planet you've been living on the past 25 years.

The Yankees are a successful marketing campaign, basically, living off past glory. 

In that sense, they remind me of New York City in general and WFAN as well, come to think of it. 

Sal:Mad Dog::Rizzo:Gehrig.

Enjoy the magic of Soto and Judge and that's it. They will probably lose in the playoffs, but from a fan's perspective, I'm enjoying this duo performing at tip top level on the same team in the same season.

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