Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Miller was also right about drug testing.

"Professional athletes draw our scorn because they make gobs of money to work a job we say we would do for free. Because some possess a sense of entitlement.

But even the luckiest, richest jerks in the world — the number of which, by the way, is grossly overestimated — deserve the right to choose their place of employment. They ought to receive their fair share of the pie they help create.


Don’t espouse the nonsense that players’ greed causes modern ticket prices to be so high. What, you think the owners would keep prices down out of the goodness of their hearts if not for the bloodthirsty players? Please. Pro sports are huge business, and it’s better today for the contributions of Miller, the union’s founding executive director."

Yeah, does anyone ever notice how expensive NBA games are, despite a salary cap?

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