Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Well, she did get naked in "Poison Ivy 2."

"From a makeup standpoint, Carl is capable of handling the New York spotlight," said Scott Shapiro, Pavano's South Florida-based representative. "Some of the pressures that might bother others, he wouldn't mind. He's been in the media spotlight before - in the World Series in 2003 and he's dated a high-profile actress (Alyssa Milano)."

I don't know how that would help him pitch to Dmitri Young in a big spot, but at least Pavano might have an inside track to a much-coveted appearance on the Tony Danza Show.

The last time I remember seeing Alyssa Milano in anything was her dead-on portrayal of Amy Fisher in a high-profile rerun of "Long Island Lolita" on the high-profile USA Network.


Kathy @ Clever Girl Organizing said...

You might want to check out "Charmed", in which Alyssa has starred in the last 6 years. It's on the WB, and on other stations in syndication, with about 150 episodes. No, you're not their target demographic.

Darren Felzenberg said...

Maybe she is not as low-profile as I thought. But if Brad Radke ever dated Tiffany Brissette, then I think the Yankees should go after him instead.