Friday, September 02, 2005

Dan Graziano Finally Rips the Mets ... Not.

Graziano's take on a $100 million team that is 5 games over .500:

"Can't a team have a nice, fun, encouraging year without winning the World Series?"

Whee! We're a whole 1/2-game ahead of the Expos! We rock!

Why do I get the odd feeling that Graziano wouldn't say the same thing about the Yankees? The Yankees can't have a nice, fun, encouraging year without winning the World Series?

Why do I get the odd feeling that Graziano wasn't so gracious after last year's ALCS?

"Mets fans, you're acting irrationally. Yesterday you booed Braden Looper for (gasp) giving up a run. You booed Carlos Beltran (a guy who's playing with a broken face, remember) for a ninth-inning strikeout."

Graziano has a lot of nerve critiquing the reaction of the fans. The Met fans are emotionally invested in the game. What are you supposed to do when your team loses? Carry them off the field and throw a parade?

How about critiquing this team? A team that acts like it has won the World Series when it sweeps the Diamondbacks, but is about to get knocked into last place when they face some real competition on the road?

How about asking the manager why Wright continues to bat fifth while La Cuccaracha continues to bat third?

This was the biggest game of the season. Everybody said so. The biggest game in five seasons.

You're down 2-1 after 8 innings which means the ninth inning is the biggest inning at Shea Stadium in five seasons.

Let me explain to Graziano what needs to happen in that ninth inning: Looper needs to pitch one lousy shutout ininng and Beltran has to do something. Beltran has to do anything.

The fans are not booing Looper for giving up one run, you putz. They're booing Looper for a season's worth of tank jobs. They're not booing Beltran for a ninth-inning strikeout. They're booing Beltran for a season's worth of disappointments.

"Being a Mets fan is a character-building experience that requires dedication and commitment. It's completely different from being a Yankees fan, and better for the soul."

Being a Yankees fan is bad for the soul?

No wonder Graziano hasn't written about Alex Rodriguez in three months. An MVP season right in his own backyard and he won't even acknowledge it. That would be bad for the soul.

"Baseball Writer," indeed. Time to look yourself in the mirror, quit the job, and buy some orange and blue pom poms.

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