Thursday, February 28, 2008

Nobody ever said it to his face.

I think Buddy Groom and Bubba Crosby criticized Torre while Torre was Yankees manager. I think they were the only ones:

"Bruney also admitted to a level of fear in playing for Joe Torre, who was constantly criticized in recent years for overusing certain relievers.

'With Torre - and I'm not trying to bad-mouth anybody - sometimes you would go out there and try to be so good because you were scared of doing bad,' Bruney said. 'You can't pitch like that. (Joe) Girardi understands that you make mistakes - and I'm going to make them.' "

In classic Torre-Talk, Bruney says he's not trying to bad-mouth anybody while he's bad-mouthing somebody. If you really didn't want to bad-mouth somebody, then you didn't have to say anything.

Though Torre's deficiencies were evident just from watching the games on TV, all this newfound criticism is cowardly. Nobody said it to his face and nobody said it when it could have made a difference.

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