Sunday, September 21, 2014

Derek Jeter has gall to make money.

Having trouble seeing what Chris Carlin is upset about here.

Derek Jeter not living up to an imaginary ideal?

A pro athlete making a commercial?

I think many observers don't get the whole farewell tour thing ... I sure don't ... especially when opposing teams go out of their way to honor the retiring player.

However, even if Jeter's not-too-inclusive leadership skills and aw-shucks humility are consistently exaggerated, I fail to see how Jeter can be a fraud, when all he really ever claimed to be is a pro baseball player. He's a great player who stayed out of trouble (check the national headlines) and ran hard to first base for twenty years.

Carlin is on the Mets station and he's ripping a Yankee player. The station that operates under the pretense of covering "all NY sports" while openly mocking the Yankees.

Carlin's commentary is brought to you by your tri-county Ford dealers (just like the 15th out of the game serves to remind us that you can save 15% on your car insurance in 15 minutes).

So what is Carlin's gripe with a Gatorade commercial?

Jeter makes some cash and further promotes the extremely valuable Brand of Jeter.

Gatorade sells more sugar water to idiots who also think that pro athletes eat anti-nutritional garbage at Subway.

I don't really have a historical scorecard of Chris Carlin's editorial comments.

I have a hunch that Carlin is the fraud here.

I have a hunch that, while Carlin is mocking NY fans and media for worshipping at the altar of Jeter, Carlin spends a lot of time masturbating to a David Wright poster while eating a couple of boxes of ring dings.

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