Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Ha! Day!

I have no idea what that means.

The Daily News has an allegedly humorous imaginary article about Alex Rodriguez. Because the Daily News would never pander.

This is what "Ha! Day" means, by the way:

"Blue Jays hold, 'Ha! Day' for A-Rod, commemorating the 2007 game in which baserunner Rodriguez shouted, 'Ha!' as if he were going to catch a pop-up, confusing shortstop John McDonald and third baseman Howie Clark.

Rodriguez takes a seat near third base. As clips of A-Rod’s press conferences are shown, McDonald and Clark shout, 'Ha!' at every one of his PED denials. Fans get to scream, 'Ha!' as well. Eventually, A-Rod is asked to join in the fun himself."


You know, if I wanted to be exposed to unfunny Yankee-related stuff on the Internet, I can always go watch some Foul Territory episodes. At least Teixeira has a day job.

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