Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Felz eloquently presents the contrarian opinion.

Today's Daily News poll:

Do you want to see Pedro Martinez as a Yankee?

Yes 17%
No 83%

Total Votes: 1093

Fine, you dummies. You asked for bad team full of nice guys, maybe George & Cashman will give you what you want.

But no booing when Pedro spins a 6-hit shutout for the Blue Jays on the same night that Jorge Depaula gets lit up for the Yankees.

No picking the Orioles to win the wild card because they sign Pedro. Remember, you think he's just a six-inning pitcher.

No crying that the "young kids" whom the Yankees are finally "giving a chance" have ERAs that are higher than the price of a beer and two hot dogs.

You know something? Pedro has slowed down. He is a 100-pitch pitcher.

You know something else? 100 good pitches from Pedro is a lot better than 1,000,000 bad pitches from Contreras-Weaver-Rogers-Loaiza-Neagle-Halsey-Graman-Keisler-Vazquez.

Why don't we see if Andy Hawkins is available? He might fit in better in the clubhouse and stuff, you losers. Don't you remember what it was like?


Sam said...

Happened upon your blog. good stuff. linked to you in a post.

Darren Felzenberg said...

Thanks, and back at'cha.

Yankee Haters are welcome. Only Lupicas are not welcome.