Friday, October 08, 2004

Sliders to Cairo.

"It would make for a most intriguing title for a novel - "Sliders to Cairo." What could that be about? Sliders? Cairo? How do they connect? Baseball and the Middle East? Can't be; too incongruous."

Baseball with Bingo Long on a bus was wacky. Baseball with ghosts in a cornfield blew my mind. The Bad News Bears went to Houston, then they even went to Japan.

But Baseball and the Middle East?

Baseball?!?! And the Middle East?!?! In the same novel??? Have you lost your mind, Marty Noble?

It can't be! It can't be, I say!

The whole idea is just ... it's just ... it's just too ... incongruous, this "Sliders to Cairo" craziness.

I mean, what the heck could a novel like that be about?

How the heck do sliders connect to Cairo, damn it?! How are you gonna do it? Nobody has EVER connected sliders to Cairo, so what makes you think you can do it now?

It can't happen, Marty. The general public is not ready for this idea so ahead of its time.

Marty Noble, I hate you and I love you. I find your creative genius both infuriating and exhilarating.

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