Friday, May 13, 2005

Bob Raissman warms up.

Jason Giambi is selfish, Jason Giambi took steroids, blah blah blah.

Bob, nobody cares about Jason Giambi anymore. It's old Al Yankzeera news, man. Get hip, get with the times. Jason Giambi is so March.

I know this article is just a warmup to the Greatest Night of Bob Raissman's Life; the Pinnacle of Al-Yankzeera Power; the Reason Tivo was invented in the first place.

It's coming soon, folks. Sunday, May 22nd, at 5:00 pm and an Encore Presentation at 9:00 pm. Don't miss it!

Michael Kay interviews George Steinbrenner on Centerstage: Bob Raissman's head explodes.

The schedule is right here, Bob. You can watch a replay of David Cone's Perfect Game at 9:00 am (while listening to Michael Kay), then watch the Yankees play the Mets at 1:00 pm (while listening to Michael Kay), and, if you haven't heard enough Michael Kay for the day, you can listen to him interview George Steinbrenner at 5:00 pm.

With a replay at 9:00 pm.

Don't miss this special event, Bob.

Can you guess which TV Network it's going to be on? I'll bet you can guess!

I'll give you a hint. Its initials are Y.E.S.

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