Thursday, May 31, 2007

Bill Reynolds can do arithmetic.

He also has several ways of expressing the word, "over":

"Because this race is already over.





I'm not a thesaurus salesman, but you just used "over" twice.

"Use any expression you want."

The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog.

You can't have your cake and eat it, too.

I Like Ike.

"And I know stranger things have happened. And I know that it’s never over till it’s over, as Yogi used to say.

But this isn’t 1978.

This is now.

And this is over.

And the Yankees?

Welcome to the wild-card chase."

Every intelligent Yankee fan I know set their sights exclusively on the wild-card race about three weeks ago.

Personally, I was thinking third place as soon as Kenny Rogers mowed them down in Game Three of the '06 ALDS. That was before they traded away Unit and Sheffield.

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