Thursday, April 21, 2005

John Donovan's Mysteries of the Universe.

Another sportswriter refuses to believe what he sees with his own eyes:

"We don't know, and we never will, whether the fan was trying to punch Sheffield with that weird elbow-cocked swing, whether he was trying to grab the ball but decided to bail out, whether he was just trying to distract Sheffield, or whether he was simply going spastic during an exciting and critical part of the ballgame. We just don't know."

One way we can find out is to ask the fan. Maybe even under oath.

I mean, if scientists can unravel the mysteries of unpopped popcorn, there is at least hope that, one day, We will know the Truth.

Though I like Donovan's whole "going spastic" theory. Perhaps Donovan would like to testify in court about what it's like to be subject to spontaneous episodes of "going spastic." Just happened to "go spastic" while a Yankee right fielder was nearby, your Honor.

Oh, and if "the very last thing [he's] trying to do is draw out the public debate on what happened between Gary Sheffield and a fan in Fenway Park last week," then ... I dunno ... call me crazy, but maybe he shouldn't write a whole entire article about it and stuff.

Then post that article on the Internet.

Since public debating is the last thing he wants to do.

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