Friday, April 06, 2007

Has ARod stopped beating his wife?

Michael Jordan was once asked if his performance on the court sometimes surprised himself. He answered, "Yes." Which immediately sounds obnoxious. However, if you think about it, it probably sounds more obnoxious if he answers, "No."

An April 6th game vs. Tampa Bay is not a great opportunity for ARod to turn Yankees fans in his favor. It just isn't. It's not a key at-bat for ARod because a grand slam would have done nothing more than elicit more shouts or "Mr. April."

It's going to take a Reggie game in the World Series. Which means it obviously isn't likely to ever happen. One hundred years of World Series games and only Babe Ruth and Reggie Jackson have 3-homerun games in the World Series.

Now, when a baseball player is questioned about a particular at-bat, I think it's pretty obnoxious to insult the opposing player who just beat you:

"It was frustrating. He gave me a good pitch to hit and I didn't do much with it," Rodriguez said. "A fat pitch. It was right there."

But I also don't think there's a good way to answer the question.

If ARod says the guy made a great pitch, round bat, round ball, 0.01 seconds to react, nobody ever batted .500, then he just sounds like a blameshifter.

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