Thursday, April 26, 2007


A: Ninth.

Q: Where should the .152 hitter always bat?

A: Second.

Q: Where did Joe Torre bat the .152 hitter?

A: It's a trick question. There is no difference.

Q: What is the difference between a legitimate Joe Torre lineup and the lineup Joe Torre puts together when he's trying to get fired?


Anonymous said...

As soon as I saw the lineup last night with good old Dougie batting 2nd, I knew you would have a rant for us today. Not only is he batting .152, his OBP is only about .240. How can you possibly justify putting a guy with those stats in the #2 hole? I guess he was trying to "do some things" again.

Darren Felzenberg said...

Torre probably thought Abreu and ARod would "protect" Ball Thief. "We've got to get Minky going. Get him some good pitches to hit." I know Jeter was taken out of the lineup at the last second, but come on: Pencils have erasers.

By the way, I finally heard Torre's new nickname for Chien-Ming Wang. "Wanger." Rhymes with "hanger."

Why not just call him Long Duck Dong?

I mean, the look in Torre's eye when he called another grown man "Wanger." It was a man who had given up.

Darren Felzenberg said...

Also, I should point out, in the name of accuracy, that Ball Thief was batting .163 before the game started.

Not .152.