Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Who's the best third baseman in New York?

ARod should take a couple of months off just to give The Anointed One a chance to catch up.

Dan Graziano pays attention:

"But as the endorsements and the appearances and the accolades kept flowing in, the home runs and RBI have started to trickle. Wright's power stroke vanished after last season's All-Star break. His lousy showing in the NLCS ranked at or near the top of the list of reasons the Mets missed out on the World Series. And in the first 18 games of this season, he has four RBI and no home runs.

All of which makes you wonder -- has it become a little too cool to be David Wright? All of the endorsements, the magazine covers, the public appearances and praise ... is it all too much too soon?"

I don't think it's the magazine covers or the contract. David Wright is an excellent baseball player. He's just not as good as lots of people thought. He's nowhere near as good as Alex Rodriguez, and he never was.

Let's review what Alex Rodriguez had accomplished by age 25.

When ARod was 25, he had his first 50-homerun season, which was preceded by three straight 40-homerun seasons.

When ARod was 20, he hit .358 with 36 homeruns.

David Wright will never accomplish these things.

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