Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Bottom Line.

Read this article and pretend it was written about you.

It isn't nice.

I wouldn't like to be called a phony.

There's actually a lot of mean-spirited stuff in there.

Really think about it. Absorb it. Let it sink in. Doesn't feel too good, does it?

This is the kind of sentiment that ARod knew he'd foster when he opted out of his contract.

This is the exact article that Lupica (and others) have been waiting to write.

Now, balance the sting of this article against the extra $200 million you're going to make.

Suddenly, the article doesn't seem so bad, does it?

I may be a phony ... but there ain't nothing phony about dollar bills, y'all.

Is that the best you've got? Tell you what. Here's $15 million I left in a coat pocket. Go get a new haircut and maybe a small Caribbean island while you're at it.

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