Thursday, May 29, 2008

OK, he's out there and he really doesn't care if he wins or loses.

"About eight years ago in this town it just became more than just a game," Torre said. "And I don't know what changed it, but I had to measure more carefully everything I said."

You don't know what changed about eight years ago?

You lost in the playoffs instead of winning.

I think when your team wins, you can say "yamma yamma yamma yammma yamma" and everyone is happy. When your team loses, you have to measure your words more carefully.

"I hate to say it is more comfortable because then people will say, 'OK, he's out there and he really doesn't care if he wins or loses.' It's still important in L.A., but everything surrounding it is different in New York."

Yeah, you probably shouldn't say it's more comfortable. People may take that the wrong way.

Nice to see you made it to the ballpark for the baseball game in between all the self-congratulatory press conferences.

Say, do you know who's the Mets' starting pitcher tonight?

No, you probably don't.

You're really more of a figurehead than an actual working manager.


Anonymous said...

Seriously, could you be any more obsessed with Torre? I figured once he left town you would just forget he ever existed. Instead, this is now the all-Torre-bashing blog. I thought you liked the Yankees. Start writing about them again.

Darren Felzenberg said...

I am not nearly as obsessed with Torre as the writers are. Who do you think is providing the material? Besides, it's fun.

I actually never considered this a Yankee blog. But I guess it can be about anything I want.

I was just thinking how the word "coach" has so many meanings. I can describe in-depth if you really want me to. Or I can link to youtubes for the Hot Fudge Show (comin' atcha now!).

Darren Felzenberg said...

May I also state that I've done puh-lenty of Randolph-bashing and Lupica-bashing.

I'm kind of disappointed that anybody would think I only bash Joe Torre.

In fact, now that I think of it, a battle of wits between Torre and Randolph is sort of, well, it's ... ironic.

Those two should play battleship against one another:


"Miss. B-4."

"Miss. D-13."

"Miss. B-4."

"Miss. D-13."

"Miss. B-4."