Friday, April 29, 2005

Caller Unable to Get Through to Sports Radio Talk Show.

"In terms of critical questions of our times, it ranks right up there with this one: Who gets down the line quicker, The Flash or Superman?"

I say Flash. Because if he's not fast, then why is he called Flash in the first place?

Wait a second ... what the heck is Bob Raissman even talking about? Who would win a race between Flash and Superman?

Ummm, better get back to baseball.

Bob Raissman's investigative reporting has uncovered two shocking aspects of talk radio:

(1) A talk show host who has an opinion.

A talk show host. On the radio. Expressing his opinion, by talking:

"Kay didn't wait for an answer. His mind was made up. His agenda was set. Speaking directly into his ESPN-1050 Joy Stick, Kay launched into a tirade defending A-Rod. The talkie wasn't spewing. He was proselytizing.


'Yankee fans should be so appreciative to have a guy like Alex Rodriguez on their team. Do you know how good he is? Do you realize what a player he is, the things he's accomplished already before the age of 30? And you sit there in judgment of him,'Kay said in a disgusted tone. 'He's not good enough for you yet. And you blame him for the Red Sox series. Nonsense. I've never heard such pap - mindless pap.' "

What next? Newspaper columnists expressing their opinions?

Next thing you know, newspapers will have editorials and entire sections devoted to opinions.

(Incidentally, this is one of the few times I find myself agreeing with Michael Kay.)

But Raissman brings up a valid complaint. If talk show hosts are allowed to express their opinions on their own show, then our society is probably doomed.

This whole time, you were wondering what Bob Raissman was getting so worked up about. Well, I'll tell you what he's getting so worked up about. How's about Western Civilization as we know it?

You still don't see? Let me lay it out for you, crystal clear.

First, radio talk show hosts express their opinions. Next thing you know? Chaos. Anarchy. The Statue of Liberty buried in a beach in a post-apocalyptic Earth where apes have evolved and use humans as slaves.

But Raissman is not done. If you're not angry yet, Raissman is about to put you over the top.

I can not verify if this actually occurred but Raissman documents an instance where:

(2) A caller to a radio talk show did not get on the air.

I've heard about some shocking things in my life. Investigative reporters have uncovered the Watergate scandal, the secret Iran-Contra arms deals, telephone psychics who can not really foresee the future, and used car dealers who aren't truthful.

Similarly, the Reilly/Kay Affair has shaken the foundations of my belief system.

Be forewarned, dear reader: You may need a stomach of steel to read about Peter B. Reilly's ordeal at the hands of Al Yankzeera:

"On Wednesday, Peter B. Reilly, a Daily News reader, attempted calling Kay to say this kind of 'marketing crass' does 'not endear' Rodriguez to fans. Reilly got through to ESPN-1050, advised the screener of his topic, and was told he would be up next. Suddenly, Reilly was disconnected.

'I called back a few minutes later, and when I again told the screener the nature of my comment, he brusquely said: "We're not going to get into that today," and hung up on me,' Reilly said."

Jeez, Peter B. Reilly, just how brusque was he? Was the Evil Screener downright brusque? Or was this Al Yankzeera agent merely terse?

Because I'm thinking of writing a letter to my Congressman to ensure this never happens again to a taxpaying citizen of the U.S. of A.

Down with Al Yankzeera!


Anonymous said...

I read this and thought the same thing. I agreed with Kay 100%.


Darren Felzenberg said...

The story didn't even end there. Somehow, I happened to be listening to Mike and the Mad Dog on Friday when Peter B. Reilly called up their show.

Now, this is a man who calls M and MD on WFAN to talk about the time he was listening to M and MD's competition on ESPN Radio.

He also was so insulted by his inability to reach a call-in radio show that he felt compelled to contact the Daily News looking for a sympathetic ear. He claims he was insulted that his viewpoint wasn't allowed to be part of the discussion, as if the Michael Kay Show is now a First Amendment forum.

What % of callers do you suppose get through? I would guess about 1%, though it's just a guess. I'm guessing the screeners hang up on most of the callers and have no choice but to be brusque -- they have to get to the next hang-up.

Bob Raissman's inbox will be quite full if he's now taking all the complaints of the rejected parties.

Raissman scarcely hides his hatred of the Yankee brass and Yankee sportscasters (comparing them to Al J'azeera?). At the same time, Raissman tries to pose as a champion of unbiased sports coverage. Well, the easist way for Raissman to combat biased sports coverage is to just stop writing.

Kathy @ Clever Girl Organizing said...

Wow. It's a good thing there's no medium available for YOU to express YOUR opinion... i mean, how tragic would THAT be for America???

Darren Felzenberg said...

Kathy, I like to think it would be tragic for the entire world, not just for America.

Kathy @ Clever Girl Organizing said...

Tru dat, yo.